The Wrong Mr. Darcy: My Role as the Authorial Audience

I was in a unique position while reading this book, because I am a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is a beloved author in my family, the 1995 Pride and Prejudice miniseries is regular viewing material, and it’s not uncommon to hear quotes from Austen’s works tossed around in everyday conversation.  TheContinue reading “The Wrong Mr. Darcy: My Role as the Authorial Audience”

Annotated Bibliography: The Wrong Mr. Darcy

Hara tells her dad (who is in prison) that she will interview a famous basketball player (+) Hara’s mother presses her to find a husband (-) The flight to Boston and limo ride from airport is unpleasant (-) Hara sees Derek Darcy for the first time (+) …and then embarasses herself in front of himContinue reading “Annotated Bibliography: The Wrong Mr. Darcy”

A Look Inside The Wrong Mr. Darcy

When I stumbled upon The Wrong Mr. Darcy on Goodreads, I was fully prepared to read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice all over again, but this time in a modern, 21st century setting. My taste in novels doesn’t stray very far from romance and fiction, however I did hope that there was going to beContinue reading “A Look Inside The Wrong Mr. Darcy”

Unlocking the Codes in the Wrong Mr. Darcy

The Key When I began reading The Wrong Mr. Darcy by Evelyn Lozada, I knew my goals were to discover the symbolic and cultural codes, define the systems of oppositions that make up the text, and come to understand the networks of controlling values. One of the keys to unlocking the secrets of this textContinue reading “Unlocking the Codes in the Wrong Mr. Darcy”

Romance on the Court

The Wrong Mr. Darcy, written by Evelyn Lozada, brings about common themes seen in the typical romance novel. Lozada gives the reader of any romantic novel exactly what they are looking for, making it the ideal book to get your hands on if you’re into the romance genre. According to Jane Gallop, “Those things whichContinue reading “Romance on the Court”

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