The Wrong Mr. Darcy: My Role as the Authorial Audience

I was in a unique position while reading this book, because I am a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is a beloved author in my family, the 1995 Pride and Prejudice miniseries is regular viewing material, and it’s not uncommon to hear quotes from Austen’s works tossed around in everyday conversation.  TheContinue reading “The Wrong Mr. Darcy: My Role as the Authorial Audience”

Annotated Bibliography: The Majesties by Tiffany Tsao

By Daria Husni Introduction: My “Reading For” What defines me as a reader? For years, my answer has only been surface-deep: I read as a form of escapism. I enjoy the fantasy genre most of all, but I like being able to experience a world I could never see on my own, and live aContinue reading “Annotated Bibliography: The Majesties by Tiffany Tsao”

Prejudice in The House in the Cerulean Sea: How Fiction Mirrors Reality

By Daria Husni In The House in the Cerulean Sea, T.J. Klune weaves the story of a social worker, Linus Baker, who oversees the care of orphaned magical children. Through a special assignment from his organization, DICOMY, Linus comes face to face with his own prejudice, and begins to question his loyalties towards DICOMY andContinue reading “Prejudice in The House in the Cerulean Sea: How Fiction Mirrors Reality”

Diving into the Unknown: The Alchemist’s Twist on the Hero’s Journey

By Daria Husni When I first started reading the Alchemist, something felt familiar to me. It wasn’t until I was halfway through that I realized what it was; the Alchemist is very reminiscent of the epics of Greek mythology. As someone who devoured Greek mythology as a child, I recognized so many of the storyContinue reading “Diving into the Unknown: The Alchemist’s Twist on the Hero’s Journey”

Finding the Truth in The Majesties’ Narrative

By Daria Husni Is it worth betraying your family to protect your humanity? Or vice versa, is protecting and supporting your family the most important thing in life, even if it means tearing away at the social fabric that allows our world to function? As I started to read The Majesties by Tiffany Tsao, aContinue reading “Finding the Truth in The Majesties’ Narrative”

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